Services & Sunday/Wednesday Activities @ NSC
At New Sandy Creek, there are many services available throughout the week. We have Wednesday night services for all ages with a meal at 5:30pm, and Bible Study at 6:30pm. Sunday Morning Service at 10:30am, and LifeGroups available at 9:30am. Come join us. We look forward to seeing you!
Sunday Morning
Come join us at New Sandy Creek on Sunday mornings! We would love to have you worship with us!
Christ Kids Class
Christ Kids is our kids group at New Sandy Creek for grades 1st through 6th. Christ Kids meet every Wednesday night and have a great time studying God's Word, growing together through activities and learning, and having a great time!
You'll never know what fun awaits around the corner with Christ Kids. See you soon!
Wednesday Nights: 6:30 PM
Kids Lifegroup -Sunday: 9:30AM
LifeGroups are a huge part of New Sandy Creek. Through our Life Group classes, we grow in God's Word together through study and discussion. Come out to one of our many classes for all ages!
Sunday: 9:30am
College & Career Class
Our college and career class has an awesome time on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings! This class is for those 18 and above, and is a great place to learn and grow together.
The C&C group goes through different video studies and Bible studies on Wednesday nights, and studies the Bible verse by verse on Sunday mornings.
Wednesday Nights: 6:30 PM
C&C Lifegroup -Sunday: 9:30AM
Adult Class
Our adult Bible study class meets every Wednesday night from 6:30 til 7:45. This class includes in depth Bible study and group questions, video studies and more. Bring your Bible and your questions, and join us for this fantastic class on Wednesday nights!
Wednesday Nights : 6:30 PM
Adult Lifegroup -Sunday: 9:30 AM
Youth Class
Our student ministry at New Sandy Creek is for grades 7th through 12th. Wednesday night activities include games, Bible study, small groups, as well as others.
Our student ministry is a great place to learn about God, study His Word, make new friends, and have a great time. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Wednesday Nights: 6:30 PM
Youth Lifegroup -Sunday: 9:30AM